Congratulations to our Fuse Award winners 2023

Many thanks to everyone who joined us for the first ever Fuse Awards at Durham University and a huge congratulations to our winners and those shortlisted.
This is our annual celebration of the outstanding contribution Fuse members make to the continued success of the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health.
The awards aim to encourage, celebrate and showcase high quality public health research with a strong focus on Communications, Public Involvement and Engagement and Translational Research.
All nominations were reviewed by a judging panel of Fuse public partners, staff members and colleagues from practice and policy. Shortlisted nominees were invited to take part in a celebration event on Monday 30 January 2023.
The standard of entries was exceptional and our panel of judges had tough decisions to make in all categories.
Catch up with all the action on Twitter using #FuseAwards23
Our Fuse Award winners are:
Excellence in public involvement and engagement
Winner: Cassey Muir, Newcastle University - Setting up a national Lived Experience Young Person Advisory Group
Our first winners @cassey_muir @UniofNewcastle and Kira Terry, lived Experience Research Advisor, for their research exploring children & young people's experiences of parental drug and alcohol use. #FuseAwards23
— Fuse (@fuse_online) January 30, 2023
- The Alcohol and Public Health Team (TeamAlpha) – Dorothy Newbury-Birch & Andrew Divers, Teesside University
- Victoria McGowan, Newcastle University
Outstanding translational research initiative
Winner: Sebastian Potthoff, Northumbria University - Creating theories & tools for collaborative translation
Our AskFuse manager @pvandergraaf75 introducing our next award o Outstanding translational research initiative.
— Fuse (@fuse_online) January 30, 2023
With our finalists:@MichaelCJChang @OHID@Scottylloyd1979 @MbroCouncil @RedcarCleveland & @UniofNewcastle and@SDPotthoff @NorthumbriaUni #FuseAwards23
- Michael Chang, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, Department of Health & Social Care
- Scott Lloyd, Middlesbrough Local Authority & Newcastle University
Innovative and creative communications
Winner: Balbir Singh Dance Group, Paul Chazot, Durham University and partners - 'Unmasking Pain'
Our next award is Innovative & Creative Communications. Our finalists:
— Fuse (@fuse_online) January 30, 2023
Unmasking Pain Team @balbirsingh & Paul Chazot @durham_uni
Lockdown Life North East @StephanieO18
How co-locating services in community spaces improves public #mentalhealth @FionaDuncan54 #FuseAwards23
- Lockdown Life North East – Steph Scott, Newcastle University
- How co-locating services in community spaces improves public mental health – Emily Oliver, Fiona Duncan, Emma Adams (Newcastle University), Gillian Samuel (McPin Foundation), Shamnin Gnani and Cleo Baskin (Imperial College London)
Fuse Open Science Best Blog award
Awarded to the blog post which received the most views in 2022. Read a countdown of last year's top five most viewed blog posts here.
Winner: David Black, Fuse Public Partner, and Mandy Cheetham, Northumbria University - ‘Universal Credit experiences and research co-production’
- ‘Is a picture truly worth a thousand words?’ – Emma Adams, Newcastle University, and the Experts by Experience from Fulfilling Lives Newcastle Gateshead & #HealthNow Newcastle
- ‘What support do children and young people actually want when their parents use drugs and alcohol?’ – Cassey Muir, Newcastle University and Kira Terry, Lived Experience Research Advisor
Awards chosen solely by Fuse Director Professor Ashley Adamson
Rising star award
Winner: Emma Adams, Newcastle University
Congratulations to our Rising Star @AdamsEmmaAudrey @UniofNewcastle #FuseAwards23
— Fuse (@fuse_online) January 30, 2023
- Sophie Phillips, Durham University
- Steph Scott, Newcastle University
Director’s award
Winner: Laura Ritson, Fuse Manager, Newcastle University
Our final award chosen soley by Fuse Director @AshleyAdamson6 goes to...
— Fuse (@fuse_online) January 30, 2023
Fuse Manager @laura_ritson.
Richly deserved! #FuseAwards23
Last modified: Tue, 21 Feb 2023 08:10:13 GMT