PhD Studentships - University of Cambridge

The MRC Epidemiology Unit is excited to announce the availability of PhD student places. The Unit investigates the causes and prevention of diabetes and obesity. Prospective students are very welcome to formulate a PhD topic of their own choice, as long as it is coherent with the overall goal of the Unit, and with the interests of at least one Unit programme
Studentships will commence in October 2024. These are 3-year positions if you have a Masters degree, or equivalent training, in an appropriate scientific discipline. Opportunities also exist for 1+3-year funding to undertake the University’s MPhil in Population Health Sciences in your first year. MRC studentship funding covers University fees at the Home student level and a tax-free stipend (currently £20,000 per annum).
Full details, including how to apply:
MRC Epidemiology Unit - PhD studentships
Last modified: Tue, 28 Nov 2023 12:35:22 GMT