Submit your abstracts for the Fuse Knowledge Exchange conference 2020

Fuse is delighted to announce that the call for abstracts is now open for the International Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health.
The daring topic for the conference is:"Learning from setbacks and successes"
While the evidence base on successful practices in knowledge exchange is growing rapidly, much less attention has been given to documenting setbacks when academics, practitioners and policy makers collaborate (or not!) to develop, exchange or use different types of evidence. We believe that learning from these setbacks is just as important, if not more crucial, than celebrating successes.
The conference aims to create a safe space in which academics, practitioners and policy makers can reflect together on the potential threats to successful knowledge exchange, in order to develop important lessons on how knowledge exchange practices and research can be improved, turning setbacks into successes.
We are keen to make the conference as interactive and creative as possible and have introduced some interesting session formats this year. Read more about the session formats and submit your abstract online.
Abstract deadline: 28 February 2020
Registration will open 30 March 2020, early-bird rates until 14 May 2020. Visit the conference website for more details:
22-23 September 2020
Fifth Fuse International Conference on Knowledge Exchange in Public Health
"Learning from Setbacks and Successes"
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Keynote speakers announced
Heather McKay, Professor at the University of British Columbia, has developed many research partnerships between government ministries, community and research partners to collectively address child and older adult health problems in Canada. She will reflect on the challenges and setbacks of developing these partnerships.
Jet Bussemaker, former Deputy Minister of Health and Professor of Health Policy, Science and Societal Impact at Leiden University in the Netherlands. She is currently chair of the Council for Health and Society, the strategic advisory council to the Ministry of Health and therefore well placed to talk about setbacks in knowledge exchange at the policy and research interface.
The conference will make a welcome return to North East England next year. We have partnered with the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research in Canada, Cornell University in the USA, and Tilburg and Erasmus Universities in the Netherlands, to deliver what we hope will be an even bigger and better conference on all things knowledge exchange.
Follow all the conference updates @fuse_online using #fuseKEC20
Last modified: Fri, 17 Jan 2020 14:11:27 GMT