Virtual symposium on planning and obesity

Fuse researchers joined Public Health England (PHE) in an event to support efforts to tackle obesity through the planning system.
The Virtual Symposium on Planning and Obesity brought together important collaborative work that the PHE Healthy Places, and Obesity and Healthy Weight teams are working on and undertaking in partnership with Fuse researchers and other colleagues to support efforts to tackle obesity through the English spatial planning system. It builds on PHE's 2020 guidance on using planning powers to promote healthy weight environments.
The Symposium, held on the 10 May, highlighted work on developing research evidence and evaluative practice to inform English national and local policy development and to support planning practice in local authorities and localities.
Fuse presenters were Dr Claire O’Malley, Dr Helen Moore, Professor Amelia Lake (Teesside University) and Dr Mackenzie Fong (Newcastle University). The research they presented included NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR) funded research looking at planning appeals decision making in relation to hot food takeaways, impact of COVID planning regulations on takeaways in North East England, and planning for food environment e-learning.
All the presentations and the recording are now available in the Healthy Places Knowledge Hub Library. Please register to access the KHub.
Planning & Obesity symposium - Fuse_PHE report
Image: "Station Street, Birmingham - opening soon - Tarana" (33510099710_d44de7a552_z.jpg) by Elliott Brown via, copyright © 2017:
Last modified: Mon, 27 Sep 2021 10:20:02 BST